
All your shipping needs in one integration

Shipbubble provides you with powerful shipping APIs for you to add end-to-end shipping functionalities to any of your platforms. 

Seamless experience

Create a custom shipping experience for your customers, with our APIs you can:

  • Global address validation

  • Calculate shipping rates.

  • Generate shipping labels from multiple carriers

  • Unified tracking system for all shipping carriers

  • And many more.

Robust shipping capabilities

  • Access to multiple carriers across Africa

  • Scale your shipping needs as your business evolves

  • 99% shipping uptime guaranteed

Who is Shipbubble's API for ?

Spend more time on your core business while we handle your shipping needs.

  • Logistics providers

  • E-commerce platforms & storefronts

  • Online marketplaces

  • Direct & social retailers

  • Fintechs

Why use us?

These are the reasons why you should use us to scale your business.

Without Shipbubble

Delayed delivery, Poor customer satisfaction

Limited access to logistics partners

Manual and stressful logistics management

High delivery costs

Customers call for tracking updates

High manpower cost

With Shipbubble

Faster delivery, Improved customer satisfaction

Access to multiple online and offline couriers

Automated and stress-free logistics management

Discounted delivery costs

Real-time tracking available to customers

Reduce manpower cost by 70%

Developer community

Our developer community is an excellent platform to connect and collaborate.

Connect. Learn. Build. Grow with developers

Our developer community is an excellent platform to connect and collaborate with like-minded enthusiasts who are undaunted in creating innovative and disruptive tech. Shiprocket developer community envisages a community of developers and a learning platform for tech wizards.

Start shipping smarter today.

Automate your shipping from checkout to returns and exceed customer expectations with a modern delivery experience.


Frequently Asked Questions